transform your health, restore balance, reclaim your life

Hello! and Welcome to Inner Balance Chiropractic & Wellness. We are so excited you found us! Whole-body balance and health are our top priorities. We refuse to accept that chronic conditions and disease are the norm. We want to promote overall health and well-being by addressing the root cause, without drugs or surgery. Our goal is to support your body's natural ability to heal, ensuring lasting results and improved overall health. We are committed to guiding you on your journey to a healthier, happier, and more balanced life. Using advanced spinal adjustment and alignment techniques, our chiropractors provide Palm Coast and the surrounding areas with high quality health and wellness care.

Our Philosophy

At Inner Balance Chiropractic & Wellness, you will discover a well-rounded, holistic, and thoughtful approach to your healthcare. Our philosophy is to empower patients by uncovering and treating the underlying causes of their health issues. We utilize a comprehensive approach that integrates specific neurological-based Chiropractic care, Auriculotherapy, and nutrition to provide effective treatment plans.

Chiropractic philosophy emphasizes the body's inherent ability to heal itself, given the right conditions. It promotes a holistic approach to health, focusing on prevention, wellness, and the interrelationship between the spine and overall health. Chiropractors often advocate for lifestyle changes, such as diet, exercise, and stress management, to support their treatments.

At Inner Balance Chiropractic & Wellness we want to educate, empower, and provide the community with health strategies that will promote a balanced, healthy life.

We help individuals through specific, research-based, principled Chiropractic care, combined with other effective techniques so they can live their fullest potential.

What is Chiropractic?

D.D. Palmer

Father of Chiropractic

Chiropractic was founded by Daniel David Palmer in 1895. Palmer, performed the first Chiropractic adjustment on a janitor named Harvey Lillard, who had lost his hearing. Palmer believed that Lillard's hearing loss was due to a misaligned vertebra, and after adjusting it, Lillard reportedly regained his hearing. This event marked the beginning of Chiropractic as a distinct healthcare discipline. Chiropractic care encompasses a blend of science, art, and philosophy in its practice.

It is a unique healthcare practice that focuses on restoring the function and communication of your spinal nerves through specific adjustments. Our nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves, controls every function in our bodies. These nerves exit from the vertebrae in our spine. When the spine becomes misaligned, it can put pressure on these nerves, causing a condition known as subluxation.

Subluxations often lead to nerve interference, preventing the spinal nerves from effectively communicating with the rest of the body. This can result in dysfunction, pain, and even disease. In our office, we use advanced chiropractic techniques to locate, analyze, and correct these subluxations, allowing your nervous system to function as it was intended.

Principled, neurologically-based chiropractic care aims to restore proper communication throughout the nervous system, focusing not just on pain relief but on overall health and function. While we certainly care about alleviating your pain, our primary goal is to ensure your body is functioning at its best, addressing the root cause of your problems rather than merely masking symptoms with temporary relief.

How do you become a chiropractor?

To become a Doctor of Chiropractic, one must complete extensive education and training, typically involving:

  1. A 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college often focusing on pre-medical courses such as biology, chemistry, and physics.

  2. A Doctor of Chiropractic Degree that requires approximately 3.3 years of study at an accredited Chiropractic college. The curriculum includes several courses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, microbiology, Chiropractic philosophy, Chiropractic techniques, and patient care.

  3. Hands-on clinical experience is a crucial part of Chiropractic education. Students work in a supervised clinical setting to develop their diagnostic and treatment skills for 1 year.

  4. A preceptorship program is required of all Graduates, and takes 3 months to complete. In the Intern Preceptorship Program, student’s enhance their academic and clinical skills, acquire business experience, and learn how to manage a private practice.

  5. Graduates must pass national board exams and obtain a state license to practice Chiropractic. The national board exams consist of Part I, Part II, Part III, Physiotherapy, and Part IV. There is a state licensure exam specific to each state that graduates are required to take.

Learn more about Inner Balance Chiropractic & Wellness, today.