Auriculotherapy is similar to ear acupuncture but it uses no needles. A microcurrent stimulator is placed on reflex points on the outside of the ear. These points then send a message to the brain based on the location of the reflex point being treated. Most people only feel a tiny tingling during the treatment.
Imagine your brain as a computer. Inside this computer is a “map” of the body. This map is projected onto the ear through the body’s nervous system. With this system we are able to directly treat a number of problems & conditions.
Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, stress, or other health issues, auriculotherapy offers a natural and non-invasive solution. Our skilled practitioners tailor each session to your unique needs, ensuring optimal results.
How we use auriculotherapy in our office
At Inner Balance Chiropractic & Wellness, we use the “Dolphin Neurostim” as our preferred method of Auriculotherapy. Research has shown that this treatment can not only decrease Neck & Back Pain, but also help with:
Chronic Pain
Mental Stress
Addictions & Compulsive Disorders
In a study done to determine success rate, the Dolphin Neurostim produced 250% more vagal tone (HF), 200% more stress reduction (SI), and 3000% more neuromodulation (HRV).
The ear provides endless options to treat any ailment in the body, but we typically find it most appropriate for:
Stress and anxiety
Smoking cessation
Curbing other addictions and cravings
Brain fog
Insomnia and other sleep issues
Vagal nerve toning – auto-immune patients, patients with various ailments throughout their entire body, etc…
Conditions that can be supported with auriculotherapy
A key component of all auricular therapy is balancing the vagus nerve – the nerve branch in the photo above that is in green. The vagus nerve controls the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which supplies the nerves to the organs, or other parts of our bodies, that work on auto-pilot. A few examples are: the cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. The vagus nerve also has an effect on smooth muscles, blood vessels, sweat glands, and the endocrine system.
When the vagus nerve is not functioning properly this can lead to a range of problems throughout the body. These problems can include digestive issues, heart palpitations, improper autoimmune responses, anxiety, depression, and more. Various issues can affect the vagus nerve and cause it to malfunction, including:
injuries to the head, neck, or chest
chronic stress, inflammation, and nerve damage
conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and cardiovascular disease, and
lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic sleep deprivation.